Friday, July 27, 2012

Module 4 Connectivism

The current network that I use changes the way I learn in a variety of ways.  The learning networks are used in order to seek ways in order to collaborate with other individuals.  By collaborating with each other, students are able to make connections to the learning.  Connections helps create structures (Siemens, 2006). This is very helpful in networking and seeing/understanding what other people are currently doing in their classrooms.  It is also a great way to exchange ideas from individuals who may be near or far away.  The online resources are used in order to take the place of the traditional books.  The Internet sites are used for various types of research along with the online libraries.  Screen casts are also used in order to seek how to complete certain tasks on the computer.   The use of social networks is also used in order to use these types of media for the purpose of socializing and communication on various topics.  These various networks align with modeling assignments, visualizing these tools as well. 
The digital tools that best facilitate learning for me are the use of wiki, blogs, chat rooms, online libraries.   New knowledge can be learned by using the various forms of communication within the mind map.  New knowledge can also be obtained through trial and error of working with tools or objectives until mastery has been established.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Module 3 Collaboration

I do believe that humans have an instinct to work as a group.  In order to collaborative work to take place, individuals should be willing to work and cooperate with one another.  Cooperation, collective action, complex interdependences are important roles in collaborative work (Rheingold, 2008).    
Technology can facilitate and collaboration among learners through making use of various technology tools in order to ensure learning and teamwork amongst students.  The Internet is considered as an enabling technology (Rheingold, 2008).  The Internet has allowed and made way for individuals to learn the skills they need and collaborate with one another on a variety of levels.   In the end the use of the desktop computer has become a printing press, broadcast station for information, community for people, and marketplace (Rheingold, 2008).  This has greatly helped the area of education especially in the form of distance education. 
A research study that was conducted in 2009 discusses how to create collaborative learning groups in the online environment.  This research is found at the following website